Tanisha Cooper Image
Tanisha Cooper

Hi, My name is Tanisha Cooper

Self-driven, quick starter, passionate data analyst and Registered Nurse (MSN) with a curious mind who loves solving a very complex, challenging real-world problems using machine learning tools to create data visualizations.

About Me Hi, I'm Tanisha Cooper. I'm currently working as a Healthcare Business Data Analyst using tools such as: Advanced Excel, SQL (Microsoft Access, PostgreSQL, and SQL). Certification in Georgia Tech Data Science and Analytics. I'm also an advanced degree Registered Nurse with a speciality in Nursing Informatics. I have experience in machine learning using tools, databases, programming, library, and web data visualization such as: Tableau, Hadoop, noSQL databases (MongoDB), SQL (PostgreSQL), Python, Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, R, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and much more.

Get to know me!

Hey! It's Tanisha Cooper and I'm a Registered Nurse and Data Analyst located in Locust Grove, Georgia near greater Atlanta area. I've done remote projects for agencies, consulted for front and backend electronic health record, designed reports in Salesforce, and other technology systems, and collaborated with talented people to create digital products for business use.

Over the years, I've used hundreds of web and mobile apps in different industries and verticals. Feel free to contact me here.


My Skills

Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Excel: VBA
SQL (PostgreSQL)
Jupyter Notebook

Projects The projects collect, process, analyze, and present data visuals - from supporting and analyzing data in education, finance, government, climate, human resource databases, and more.

The VBA of Wall Street

Project 1: The VBA of Wall Street

Utilize VBA scripting to analyze real stock market data for 3 consecutive years (2018 - 2020).

Case Study
Software Screenshot

Project 2: Web Design: Weather Data Visualization

Web Design: Weather Data Visualization is a website design that utilized HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Python, and Pandas to showcase weather data from an API output csv.

Case Study
Software Screenshot

Project 3: SQLAlchemy: Climate Analysis

I used SQLAlchemy to extract the temperature data for our vacation dates to see when is the best time to visit. Also, if June and December have a meaniful difference between temperature.

Case Study
Software Screenshot

Project 4: PostgreSQL: Employee Database using Historical Data Analysis

A research project on Pewlett Hackard employees from the 1980s and 1990s using SQL: data modeling, data engineering, and data anlysis. The challenge utlizized data modeling, engineering, and analysis to build a SQL database with six tables. Using employee data from historical csv files, the database and tables were sucessfully imported.

Case Study
Software Screenshot

Project 5: Python-API

Using Python requests, APIs, and JSON, we are set off to answer "what's the weather like near the equator?". I know you maybe thinking that it's "hot" of course. But, can you prove it?

Case Study
Software Screenshot

Project 6: Matplotlib: Pharmaceutical Tumor Drug Study

Matplotlib applied to real-world situations help to showcase the importance of data analysis. At a Pharmaceutical company, based in San Diego, you have been given access to the complete data from their more recent animal study. The study aimed to compare the performance of Pymaceuticals' drug of interest, Capomulin, versus th other drug treatment regimens. Executives have tasked you to generate all of the tables and figures needed for the technical report of the study. They requested a top-level summary of the study results.

Case Study
Software Screenshot

Project 7: Pandas: Education Standardized Tests Analysis

Pandas can help with making strategic decisions regarding future school budgets and priorities for the school board and mayor. Analyzed district-wide standardized test results for math and reading. Showcased a few trends in school performance and provide a few results.

Case Study
Software Screenshot

Project 8: Python: PyBank and PyPoll Analysis

The Python project's output are two scripts that analyzed financial records of a company, PyBank, and modernize a small, rural town vote counting process, PyPoll.

Case Study
Web Scraping

Project 9: Web Scraping: Mission to Mars

The challenge was to build a web application that scrapes various websites for data related to the Missions to Mars and display the information in a single HTML page/template.

Case Study
ETL Covid Tracking

Project 10: ETL: World Covid-19 Vaccinations

Track COVID-19 vaccinations and manufactures used around the world using extract, transform, and load functionality.

Case Study

Contact Feel free to enter your contact information. I look forward to speaking with you soon. If I have not reached out, please contact me via phone and/or email