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Tanisha Cooper

Project 6: Matplotlib

At a Pharmaceutical company, based in San Diego, you have been given access to the complete data from their more recent animal study. The study aimed to compare the performance of Pymaceuticals' drug of interest, Capomulin, versus th other drug treatment regimens.

Project 6 Image

Project Overview

As a senior data analyst at a Pharmaceutical company, based in San Diego, you have been given access to the complete data from their more recent animal study. There are 248 mice identified with sqamous cell carcinoma (SCC) tumor growth. Mice were treated with 10 different drug regimens. Over 45 days, tumor developement was observed and measured to see the effectiveness of each drug or placebo regimen.

The study aimed to compare the performance of Pymaceuticals' drug of interest, Capomulin, versus th other drug treatment regimens. Executives have tasked you to generate all of the tables and figures needed for the technical report of the study. They requested a top-level summary of the study results.

Tools Used
